Ransomware Best Practices Part 1: What Is It and Will It Affect You?
Ransomware Best Practices As the name suggests, ransomware is a malicious computer virus that holds your system’s data hostage. Believe it or not, despite that ransomware seems to be a scary new threat, it’s actually been around for nearly 30... read more
Create a Network Security Plan Your Employees Will Follow
Network Security Plan To protect your business and its data, you need a network security plan that not only guides users in appropriate use of email, electronic devices, the Internet, and other aspects of your company’s network, but also make it... read more
Top 4 Reasons Why You Need Managed Virus Protection
Managed Virus Protection If you’re a small business, and you think using free or downloadable anti-virus software such as McAfee or Norton is a great way to save some money, think again. Far too often, companies who fail to employ managed virus... read more
What Kind of Data Security Solution Does Your Company Need?
Data Security Solution Every company’s digital assets need to be protected from malware, ransomware, spam, viruses, and more. Because threats to a small business’ network are so rampant, why not simply add as many layers of protection as... read more
Why I own an iPhone
Most Secure Cell Phone - Tomato, Tomahto… “You say ‘Tomato’, I say ‘Tomahto’”.  This famous line was first uttered in the 1936 Mark Sandrich movie Shall We Dance staring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in their duet “Let’s Call... read more
Preventive Measures of Cyber Crime | Curiosity killed the cat, and stole your money…
Preventive Measures of Cyber Crime Part 2 of Protect Your Digital Identity How many of us have viewed the myriad of Facebook videos displaying cute kittens performing adorable feats of fluff-filled entertainment? At the heart of these silly cat... read more
Protect Your Digital Identity
Protect Your Digital Identity It is difficult to go a week without hearing about a new data breach or computer hack against a major company or against individual consumers.  In September 2014 Home Depot reported that the cost of their 2013 data... read more